N Richards (2011) 'Using participatory visual methods', Realities Toolkit #17. Manchester: University of Manchester
N Richards, L Warren and M Gott (2012) 'The challenge of creating 'alternative' images of ageing: Lessons from a project with older women', Journal of Ageing Studies, 26, 65-78
L Warren and N Richards (2012) '"I don't see many images of myself coming back at myself": representations of women and ageing', in Ylänne, V. (ed) Representing Ageing: Images and Identities. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 149-168.
S Hogan and L Warren (2012) 'Dealing with complexity in research findings: How do older women negotiate and challenge images of ageing?' Journal of Women and Ageing, 24 (4), 329-250.
S Hogan (2012) 'Ways in which photographic and other images are used in research: An introductory overview'. International Journal of Art Therapy: Formerly Inscape, 17(2), 54-62.
S Hogan (2013) 'Peripheries and borders. Pushing the boundaries of visual research'. International Journal of Art Therapy: Formerly Inscape, 18(2), 67-74.
Summary articles
'In praise of older women' by Jackie Wullschlager (Financial Times, 17 December 2010).
'Age shall not wither her' by Emine Saner (The Guardian, 18 June 2008)